I danced on the sands of the dunes of Coro,
danced on the dust of Carora,
in the salt of Araya
I danced in whirlwinds of leaves
in the garbage dumps of Oxford Street
under the bridges of the Bronx In Casablanca,
I danced troubled in the book fairs of the five continents,
minus one
troubled and blind by the noise,
no one takes away what I danced
I was "omnipresent" in the dances
With sadness I acknowledge,
what no one takes away has been,
with exceptions, my shame a grimace, a wry face
The smartest in the class caused pity and devastation
everything summed up to nothing, nothing.
I acknowledge before you brothers and sisters,
after confessing my dreams, from now on I will be the last of all the ranks
the least remarkable
my hopes in the mists and neon lights
I surrender them, without conditions or